AEW Full Gear 2021 (November 13) Results & Review (2025)

Watch: PPV / Bleacher Report / FITE (Non-US)

Meet our reviewers

Sean Sedor: For the first time since March, Sean is back on an AEW PPV Review!! NASCAR is over for the year, and Sean is ready to enjoy watching an AEW PPV on a Saturday instead of a Sunday. You can follow Sean on Twitter @SASedor2994. If you’re interested in some other stuff he does, you can check out Sean’s YouTube channel (just search my name) if you’d like to see him play the Formula 1 game, and you can also check out Sean’s Extreme Warfare Revenge thread on the Be The Booker forums (if you’re into those kinds of games).

Jeri Evagood: The magic writing girl is back on review duty for what is to potentially be an emotional night for her (and others) if things go “according to plan”. She loves it when wrestling has an impact on her, and she’s looking for that EMOTIONAL WALLOP TONIGHT! She’s brewing hot tea, she’s eating triscuits with white cheddar cheese slices, and she has a cat on her lap as she prepares herself for FULL GEAR! If you want to read her mediocre wrestling takes and her attempts to be cute, follow her on twitter at TheJerriest_Jer. If you’d like to read her book and make her squee with happiness purchase the The Ordinary Life Of Gerard Irving!

Hikaru Shida & Thunder Rosa def. Jamie Hayter & Nyla Rose (with Vickie Guerrero)

Sean: So this was a match that served as a preview of sorts for the quarterfinals of the TBS Title Tournament, with Jamie Hayter set to face Thunder Rosa, while Hikaru Shida will be going up against Nyla Rose. Speaking of Nyla, she spent the first few minutes going at it with Rosa and Shida before eventually making the tag to Hayter. It was at this point that the heel side took control and started working over Shida as Serena Deeb looked on from the front row. Finally, Shida made the hot tag to Rosa, who ran wild on the heels. Things broke down in the closing minutes, as we saw the faces hit a pair of big dives to the floor. A distraction from Deeb allowed Vickie to hit Shida with her own kendo stick, but despite that, Shida was able to come back and catch Nyla Rose with a flash pin for the win. The finish was a little sloppy, so that takes it down a slight notch, but this was still a solid tag team match from start to finish. Pretty basic layout, solid action throughout, and it served as a nice preview of the aforementioned tournament bouts. The result feels like it’s tipping off that Shida is probably losing to Nyla, but I guess we’ll see when the time comes. ***1/4

Jeri: Seeing all four of these women does make me happy. More Shida on my screen is great, more Thunder Rosa is great, more of all these women would be great. I thought this was a pretty damn fun Buy In match, especially with everything that happened during and after the Thunder Rosa hot tag. Everyone worked well and hard and I was quite entertained. They even worked in Shida’s issues with Serena Deeb as Serena Deeb was in the audience distracting Shida at one point causing her to get hit by Vickie. In the end I didn’t have too many complaints (one would not always be the smoothest exchanges). Got some decent time to develop, all four women worked well together, and probably got me interested in their future matches in the TBS tournament. Good stuff. I would’ve personally had Shida loss after the interference to add more fuel to Deeb tormenting her, but it doesn’t change my enjoyment. ***1/2

.@jmehytr and @NylaRoseBeast… these women are bringing the HEAT! #AEWFullGear #BuyIn #TheBuyIn


— TDE Wrestling (@tde_gif) November 14, 2021

MJF def. Darby Allin

Sean: It’s always interesting to see what the match order is like for these AEW PPV’s. On this particular night, Darby Allin and MJF were the ones kicking off the show, and they ended up having an absolutely fantastic PPV opener. The first portion of the bout saw a very solid technical exchange between the two, and that led to an insane dive from Darby onto MJF. Unfortunately for Darby, he tried to follow up with a Coffin Drop on the apron, but MJF moved out of the way, and Darby crashed hard on the apron. From that point on, MJF relentlessly went after the back of Darby with multiple backbreaker variations (Roderick Strong would be proud). He did seem to tweak his knee while hitting these backbreakers, and that would lead to Darby targeting the leg later on. There was an insane tombstone on the apron that led to more technical exchanges in the ring as we got a number of nearfalls. Just when you think it couldn’t get even crazier, we got a Coffin Drop to the floor, which was nuts. Sting thwarts attempted interference from Wardlow and Shawn Spears, and that leads to MJF bringing in the skateboard. He tries to bait Darby into using it, but he gives it to the referee. That allowed MJF to hit Darby with the Dynamite Diamond Ring and, in fact, MJF did beat Darby with a side headlock takeover. This was awesome from start to finish. Darby was awesome, and with how good he’s gotten as an in-ring wrestler, MJF just might be the total package. I would’ve gone even higher with a cleaner finish, but with MJF, you kinda have to expect some cheating on his end (though it makes sense, and even builds on, his overall character). A great way to kick off the PPV. ****1/2

Jeri: No matter how many times Darby does it, him missing the Coffin Drop and falling back first onto the apron from the top always makes me squeal… and not in delight. Darby later in the match takes a NASTY looking tombstone on the apron that made me go “oh shit”. I appreciate Darby putting his body on the line, but sometimes he could do with putting it on the line just a smidgen less. This was pretty damn entertaining and exactly what I wanted out of the opening match involving these two. Well paced, given excellent time to build and develop, both men had some wonderful exchanges in the technical sense, and we got an excellent code red from Darby at one point for a fantastic nearfall. We also got a coffin drop to the outside onto MJF which was also insane. The Pinnacle attempts to interfere but STINNNNNNNNG (/Schivanoe) prevents it. MJF wins by daring Darby to hit him with his skateboard, he refuses only to get punched by MJF’s ring and then pinning him with a side headlock takeover as he said he could, which was a dick heel move I can get behind. MJF is so unlikable, I hate him. That’s probably a good thing as when he does get his comeuppance it’s always quite sweet, he didn’t get it tonight though. I feel not everyone is going to like the ending, but ultimately I thought it worked mostly well and I loved this match. Darby Allin was insane at times, this was probably the best I’ve seen MJF in a bit, and yeah, this was overall awesome stuff. Great way to start things proper. ****1/4

Tombstone from @The_MJF! #AEWFullGear


— TDE Wrestling (@tde_gif) November 14, 2021

AEW World Tag Team Championship: The Lucha Brothers (Rey Fenix & Penta El Zero M) (with Alex Abrahantes) (c) def. FTR (Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler) (with Tully Blanchard)

Sean: The Lucha Brothers had an awesome entrance, and they didn’t waste any time getting this one started. Fenix and Penta were able to get the early edge, but FTR was soon able to gain control after countering a pair of dive attempts. This didn’t last long though, as The Lucha Brothers countered with some high flying offense of their own (including an assisted cannonball in the corner). FTR eventually managed to isolate and work over Penta for a bit. Fenix finally got the hot tag and ran wild with some of his incredible offense (Fenix is so good, though that’s not exactly news). FTR used one of the AAA Tag Team Title belts as a weapon, but that only got a two count. Dax Harwood tries to go for the Three Amigos, but the third suplex is counted, and we get a big Frog Splash from Fenix, which led to loud chants for Eddie Guerrero. We get yet another great nearfall as Fenix pulls some Jack Evans in Generation Next-style nonsense by stomping from one guy onto another while Penta hit a package piledriver. FTR tried more shenanigans, but the referee caught them, and The Lucha Brothers nailed their assisted piledriver finish. Much like the opener, the finish did take this down a slight notch, but the match was still really solid from start to finish. Every time it started to feel a little long in the tooth, we would get some crazy offense from Fenix and Penta (mainly Fenix) that got the crowd right back into it. I really enjoyed this. ***3/4

Jeri: Pentagon is obviously great, but Fenix my friends, Fenix is perhaps one of the absolute best going right now, especially in the confines of AEW. I’m not telling you something you don’t already know, but the praises must always be sung and sung loud. I’d love to see him get more singles opportunities. As it is he and Pentagon make a great tag team. FTR is inconsistent and not always a cup of tea I personally enjoy, but in the right circumstances they can achieve greatness. I appreciate this match started with both teams just going at each other. Considering the match was shown to be personal, that is appreciated as a lock up/feeling out process wouldn’t work. I could’ve done without FTR trying to lose masks at the end of the match to their advantage, it added nothing and really didn’t go anywhere, but in the end I thought this was entertaining. They make good opponents for each other. I would’ve loved it to have been a bit shorter, but they would always make sure to snap me back into what was going on when I started to REALLY feel it. Also, can I just reiterate one more time that Fenix is amazing, absolutely amazing. ***3/4



— TDE Wrestling (@tde_gif) November 14, 2021

World Title Eliminator Tournament Finals: Bryan Danielson def. Miro

Sean: Miro pulls the ultimate heel move at the start of the match by rejecting the Code Of Honor. It was mentioned very early on by the commentary team that Danielson had never beaten Miro before, so that just added an extra wrinkle to this one. Miro really showed off his power early on. Danielson seemed to find an opening, but a dive attempt got blocked, and Miro tossed him around on the floor. While Miro continued to dominate with his power, Danielson finally managed to send Miro into the post, and he started connecting with some sustained offense. Danielson worked over the legs, tried to kick Miro’s head in, and went for the running knee that countered into a powerbomb. Both men manage to survive each other’s submission attempts, and eventually they make their way towards the top rope. Miro was going for some sort of big move, but Danielson countered with a huge DDT to secure the win. Once again, Miro’s neck of sand cost him a big match, as Danielson secured himself a future World Title shot. I thought this was really good, but something was missing that kept it from being a great match. Obviously the result here is a potential tell of what could happen in the main event, and while a Miro win would’ve surely meant Adam Page winning was a certainty, Danielson winning here makes the main event result more up in the air. ***3/4

Jeri: Going into this match, I was hyped. I predicted heads getting kicked in. I predicted hard hits, and both men being willing to lay it in, and I got exactly all of that. Daniel ends up hitting a HUGE top rope DDT followed by a guillotine choke to finish off Miro who’s relationship with God is probably posted as “complicated” on facebook. Commentary made sure to mention Danielson had never beaten Miro before this match, giving another element of story to go along with the title shot on the line. Both men fought each other as if there were huge stakes, which there was, which added so much to everything they did. Miro is a beast, and he came off as a beast. Bryan Danielson was resilient and stubborn, and not afraid to take his licks to get his shots in (neither man was actually). I don’t know if this hit the level of great, but it was DAMN GOOD and worth watching from both men. Daneilson winning also keeps me guessing and makes me worried as while I’m 99.99 percent sure Page is winning, an Omega/Danielson rematch possibility causes that 00.01 to thumb in my heart and make me concerned. ***3/4

Dragon up… Dragon DOWN! @ToBeMiro #AEWFullGear


— TDE Wrestling (@tde_gif) November 14, 2021

Falls Count Anywhere Match: Christian Cage & Jurassic Express (Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus) def. Adam Cole & The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson)

Sean: Now it’s time for the first of two multi-person hardcore matches on this card. Pink and Purple seemed to be the color of choice for the SuperKliq, and this included Nick Jackson dying part of his beard purple. Meanwhile, Christian Cage and Jungle Boy were in jeans, aka proper Street Fight attire. A steel chair is the first hardcore element introduced into this one, and we get a couple of cool spots with that before a trash can was introduced. Cole got busted open a few minutes in, and it quickly turned into a two-on-two situation as Christian Cage and Nick Jackson brawled to the back. Adam Cole and Luchasaurus get put through tables by Jungle Boy and Matt Jackson respectively, while Christian Cage gets a nearfall on Nick Jackson after diving off a ledge in the crowd. One everyone was back at ringside, Cole and The Young Bucks gained control, and thumbtacks came out, which led to the kissing Adam Cole spot, and a superkick with the tacks in Jungle Boy’s mouth. We get some nasty ladder spots before the brawl goes to the stage. A Panama Sunrise on the stage seems to be it, but Luchasaurus breaks it up. Some thumbtack-covered knee pads are introduced, and a pin on Luchasaurus after a triple BTE trigger gets broken up by Jungle Boy. The SuperKliq then get systematically taken out before Jungle Boy hits the Conchairto on Matt Jackson for the win.

The length was a hindrance to this one for sure, as it definitely felt too long at points. That being said, these six guys worked very hard, and we got some really cool spots throughout. While he didn’t pin Adam Cole (I think that’s a moment still to come at some point in the future), this was clearly meant to be a big moment for Jungle Boy, as he got a big, definitive win on PPV. Again, I think the length prevented this from being great, but they put a lot of effort in, and it resulted in a really good match. ***3/4

Jeri: “ahem” ADAM COLE BAY BAY!!!! Okay, I got that out of my system. Thanks for indulging me. Also um, errrr…. “Blushes” Jungle Boy in jeans hits all the right notes with me. “Ahem” anyway I find multi man matches work best when things keep moving which they do thankfully. Cole bleeds the crimson red in this match, which while I’m not always “rah rah blood” if your are going to have a personal/hate filled hardcore match, you got to have that blood somewhere to add fuel to the flames. Cage jumps off a ledge into the crowd onto Nick Jackson, and I appreciate they all didn’t go into the crowd and make things too chaotic. Make things easier to focus on. Everyone takes their shares of lumps in this match and some of it definitely hit the cringe level for me where I can feel my nose scrunch up and my imagination just feeling how that must of hurt. Thumbtacks get involved and PLACED IN JUNGLE BOY’S MOUTH FOR A SUPERKICK. Ugh, just ugh.. I’m pretty sure they did it as safe as possible, but I always get leary of objects placed in the mouth of others, especially tacks. In the end Jungle Boy hits a conchairto and gets a big win. Time could’ve been taken off of this, but ultimately I liked this. I really liked this. People took their lumps, everyone got something memorable in the match, and Jungle Boy got a good and big pinfall in the end. They kept it going, gave us an appropriate amount of violence, some great spots, and a victory I am satisfied with. Also Cole didn’t take the loss which I approve of. ****

BOOM BOOM LACKA LACKA BOOM! @boy_myth_legend can't believe what @luchasaurus just did! #AEWFullGear


— TDE Wrestling (@tde_gif) November 14, 2021

Cody Rhodes & PAC def. Andrade El Idolo (with Jose the Assistant) & Malakai Black

Sean: Cody got a lot of boos during his entrance, which is to be expected at this point. Right from the jump, we get some brief dissension between Cody and PAC, though that settles down and PAC gets the match started for his team. It was at this point that it dawned on me that three of the four men in this match are former NXT Champions. The first few minutes are relatively standard, but then we also get teases of potential dissension between Andrade and Black. So both teams are teasing tension. Cody eats the move that used to be Black Mass, Pac hits a big moonsault to the floor, and Arn Anderson chases Jose to the back. Cody being taken out with that kick earlier means that PAC is in a two-on-one situation as the heels work him over. Cody eventually recovers and runs wild as the crowd boos. Andrade gets nailed with a big reverse superplex from Cody and a big 450 Splash from PAC. Some more back and forth leads to Black and Cody spilling over the barricade, and PAC nails a barrage of offense before PAC nails the Black Arrow for the win. The actual wrestling from bell-to-bell was pretty good, but doing the “partners who can’t get along” thing on both sides was a little match. PAC getting the pin here was cool, though Cash Wheeler attacked him afterwards, so I guess the FTR association with Andrade and Black continues. A pretty good match, though the weakest match on the main card up to this point. ***1/2

Jeri: While I don’t consider myself a fool, I can’t quite grasp how I feel about Cody Rhodes right now. The boos get louder and harder and you start to wonder, is he a heel, is he a face who just right now is receiving the negativity. Or in the end is he just simply Cody Rhodes and you respond in accordance to how you feel about his behavior and attitudes? All I know is it’s led to some interesting times for observing him and his character and wrestling work. Andrade and PAC were probably my two favorite performances in this match. Andrade seems to be finding himself more and more, and his confidence returns. Pac ultimately gets the victory with his black arrow finisher which is a fine enough finish for me. FTR attacks Cody and PAC after the match but really not much is done with this attack. In fact it felt needlessly tacked on. Yes I know there’s an association but, just didn’t do much for me or with anything. Match was solid, fine, it felt a different pace than the previous matches. The “Partners who can’t get along” (™?) shenanigans were a little over the top, and really this match did not grip me like some of the previous matches has. Cody Rhodes and the reactions to him though are still interesting and entertaining, and Andrade/PAC stuff was pretty damn good. I’ll give it a positive rating *** 1/4

.@AndradeElIdolo has completely taken over! #AEWFullGear


— TDE Wrestling (@tde_gif) November 14, 2021

AEW Women’s World Championship: Dr. Britt Baker DMD (c) (with Rebel & Jamie Hayter) def. Tay Conti

Sean: Tay Conti gets a very cool entrance, and it’s only now that I realize Tay Conti is getting her big title shot on the same weekend as F1 is in Sao Paulo for the Brazilian Grand Prix, so that’s cool. Britt Baker also has a big entrance of her own that featured one of the guitarists from Fozzy. Baker tried for the Lockjaw early, but Tay was able to fight out of it. Tay tried for some more off the ropes, but it didn’t work, and Britt took control. Crowd seemed pretty quiet during Britt’s control period. Tay made a nice comeback with her bicycle kicks and a diving crossbody for a two count. We get some more back and forth, as Baker nails a double stomp, while Conti connects with a cutter. Britt nails a big Air Raid Crash on the apron, while Conti nails a Gotch Style Piledriver (an ode to Minoru Suzuki I’m sure). Britt regains control after Rebel and Hayter get involved. Tay nails a big moonsault to the floor onto the seconds, and we get some more back and forth in the ring before Baker eventually catches Tay during a counter exchange. The crowd seemed really dead at certain points, and that definitely hurt what was a really good bout between these two. This wasn’t Tay’s best match in AEW, in my view (I thought the Shida match a few months ago was better), but two things I’ll say about her is that she works very hard and, in this particular match, she was very ambitious. So all the credit in the world to her, because she’s been working her ass off to get better ever since she came to AEW. Britt retaining was the expected result, but the match ended up being very solid in what was easily Tay’s biggest match to date. ***1/2

Jeri: Rich Ward (Fozzy) plays Britt Baker in the ring so I must congratulate him for entertaining me for the second time ever as a musician. I knew he had it in him! This was a big match for Tay Conti. At one point A nasty Air Raid Crash was hit by Britt on the outer apron. Brutal! At first I had difficulty getting into this. Combination of crowd/pace perhaps. But after we got over the pedestrian Britt control period, I enjoyed this a bit more. Ultimately, Britt turns a pin attempt by Tay into a pin attempt of her own for the victory. This ultimately was good, but took some time and effort to get there. I appreciate that they DID get there though. I’m not going to over hype the match, but I thought it was a solid title defense, that had to scratch and crawl to be something good, but they succeeded. ***1/4

Gotch-style Piledriver from @TayConti_!! #AEWFullGear


— TDE Wrestling (@tde_gif) November 14, 2021

CM Punk def. Eddie Kingston

Sean: These two came out with looks that could kill. Punk came out wearing Chicago-themed fight shorts, and he just straight walked the ring. They trade words before Kingston nails Punk with a backfist before the bout even starts. Punk dropped like a rock, but one he recovered, the fight was on….and make no mistake about it, this was a fight. These two just went after it in a brawl, which is exactly what it should’ve. They hate each other, and they’re fighting. Punk gets busted open as the two continue to brawl on the floor. They eventually get back to the ring, and they manage to swear and flip each other off in between all of the offensive flurries. The crowd is really getting into this as they continue to go after each other. Punk nails the GTS, but he can’t take advantage. Some knee strikes and a second GTS eventually gets the job done for Punk.

One thing that gets said a lot about AEW when it comes to their shows (both TV and PPV) is that they do a very good job in making all of their matches on a given card different. This match had a totally unique feel, and was completely different from everything else on the show. That’s what made it so great. What an incredible fight this was, and it played off the hatred these two men conveyed in the build perfectly. Punk offered a handshake afterwards in a sign of respect, but Kingston, as defiant as ever, didn’t accept it. What a piece of business this was. So unique in all the right ways. ****1/2

Jeri: Whew, one of two matches I knew tonight that would hit me hard. Combine this with Eddie Kingston’s article he wrote recently, and I felt a feeling in my stomach I can’t explain. I could feel it churning in my pit. Wrestling in this moment blurred between reality and fantasy. I no longer rooted for Eddie in the storyline sense, I rooted for him in general, coming across another big obstacle that wanted to set him back, knock him down. I wanted him to do what he does best, fight against the dying of the light, fight against the rising of the tide, fight against every thing that says “You can’t” and prove “he could”. That’s what I wanted, even as he cheapped shot Punk before the bell with a backfist (and was quite proud of it) I rooted for him. I knew he was doing what he felt was necessary, to prove the point he needed to prove. I was all in on this match before the bell fucking ran and my soul was with Eddie. My heart was with Eddie, the only thing that belonged to Punk in this moment was my absolute desire and NEED to see Punk be defeated. I would be denied.

This is a fight. Not a fight for respect, it’s a fight fueled by disrespect and I’m in love with it. They go at each other, as it should be and it was good. Crowd is split, I am not. Punk is bloodied. Punk is also cocky, mimicking the actions of John Cena at one point, manipulating the crowd like the puppet master he is. This is the wrestling I love, and I know no matter who wins or loses I will feel it as the match continues on. I looked forward to it either way. Kingston was able to continue wrestling after the first GTS, but it was inevitable. He tries, he never stops fighting, Eddie never stops fighting, but on this night it wasn’t enough, and I feel that feeling in my stomach knot, I feel a crack in my heart form. As reality and fantasy separate once more I return to the now and realize I watched something that was different than the rest of the card. It stood out in feel, match structure, and how both men approached it. It was awesome. I didn’t simply watch, I felt. Punk showed respect, but Eddie didn’t want respect, he wanted the victory. So do I Eddie, I want victory, one day maybe we’ll both get it. This was excellent, and pro-wrestling is great. Punk’s best since returning. **** 1/2



— TDE Wrestling (@tde_gif) November 14, 2021

Minneapolis Street Fight: The Inner Circle (Chris Jericho, Sammy Guevara, Santana, Ortiz, & Jake Hager) def. Men Of The Year (Ethan Page & Scorpio Sky) & American Top Team (Dan Lambert, Junior Dos Santos, & Andrei Arlovski)

Sean: Dan Lambert is wearing a tracksuit, while The Inner Circle are wearing camo pants, so they’re ready to go to war. Scorpio Sky gets worked over by Sammy Guevara and Proud ‘n’ Powerful before the MMA fighters of Junior Dos Santos and Andrei Arlovski get involved. This involved JDS hitting a standing moonsault of all things, and that set up Dan Lambert coming into the match. They were oddly observing normal tag team rules at this point, but once it broke down, it turned into an actual Street Fight, with all sorts of Minneapolis-themed weapons at ringside. Hager hits a dive to the floor onto everyone, and eventually hits Arlovski with a toaster of all things. Jericho hit some people with a large Prince sign as hockey sticks were brought into the mix. It’s just a wild plunder brawl for the majority of this. At one point, Guevara climbs a huge ladder and nails a Jeff Hardy-esque Swanton Bomb to put Scorpio Sky through a table. Ethan Page then gets in the face of Jake Hager’s wife before eating a claw courtesy of the legendary Baron von Raschke, who was in the front row! Finally, as we all would’ve expected, Jericho gets his hands on Dan Lambert, and pins him with a Frog Splash in probably the most appropriate Eddie Guerrero tribute of the night (given that Jericho worked with Guerrero for years and years). This was the definition of a garbage brawl, and probably the worst match on the show by far, but I still kinda found it entertaining for what it was. It had its moments, and in the end, we got the ending that the story called for from the jump. ***1/4

Jeri: I would be lying if I said this match had me hyped. Not a single ounce of ATT storyline with the Inner Circle (nor had any of Jericho’s or Lambert’s banter) has gripped me or made me interested in what was to come. I tried to be unbiased going in though. It is unfair to the match overall though that part of my brain sees it as nothing more than one last hurdle to jump before I am able to arrive at the main event my heart is set on. Starts out with the normal tag format, but not long after becomes the plunder brawl we all expected. Some of the weapons, IN MY OPINION, are a bit ridiculous but that’s just one gal’s insight. A toaster gets involved at one point, and it’s a brave little one to be part of this match. I got to give credit to Lambert who knows and understands his role as a coward and nuisance and fulfills it. A.W.A legend Baron Von Raschke gets a claw in on Ethan Page and it does bring a smile to my face. This turns out to be fun. The right result happens with Jericho paying tribute to Eddie Guerrero and frogs splashing Lambert for victory. I had fun, I wouldn’t call it great, or even good, but I had fun. Maybe that fun comes partially from realizing this feud may now be over (and the right conclusion). I think I’ll be a generous lady here. ***1/4

.@sammyguevara from the heavens! #AEWFullGear


— TDE Wrestling (@tde_gif) November 14, 2021

AEW World Championship: “Hangman” Adam Page def. Kenny Omega (with Don Callis) (c)

Sean: We got a cool pre-match video with Page riding a horse to the arena as they played moments from his history in AEW, dating all the way back to the very first press conference in Jacksonville. Page gets control early as we get some “fuck Don Callis” chants as Callis gets involved goes after Hangman while Omega has the referee distracted. Page would continue to take the fight to Omega early, but more Don Callis interference helped turn the tables in the favor of Omega. Once Page started to fight back, the two started to trade their big moves. Page hit his moonsault to the floor. Omega hit a huge sunset flip powerbomb off the top rope, a pair of Dragon Suplexes from Omega (including one on the apron) followed by a Jay Driller. Page then nails a BIG moonsault fallaway slam off the top, which only gets two. After a big dive to the floor, Page goes for the Buckshot Lariat, but Omega pulled referee Paul Turner in the way. That set up a great nearfall for Page as Aubrey Edwards ran down to make the count.

Some great exchanges with Omega and Page ensue with Omega hitting multiple V-Triggers. At this point, The Young Bucks come out as Page hits Omega with the One-Winged Angel. The Young Bucks looked on as Page nained two Buckshot Lariats to secure the win and the AEW World Title!! Seemed like the story there was that The Young Bucks finally came down to be in Page’s corner for his big moment. This didn’t quite reach Match Of The Night levels (I would have Darby/MJF and Kingston/Punk over this one), but it was still a great match that ended with the right finish of Adam Page winning the big one. You did have some negatives to it, like the Don Callis interference and the referee bump. Luckily though, Callis got his comeuppance near the end, and the referee bump really had no role in the finish whatsoever. The second half featured some great action between these two, and as a whole the wrestling was very strong throughout. Weirdly, I feel like they had a better match in them, but still, this worked and delivered the moment that everyone was waiting for. The Dark Order came out to celebrate with Hangman as the show came to a close. ****1/4

Jeri: “deep breath” in the moments before the match, I feel my breath get caught, and I feel the lump in my throat form into existence. I feel the weight, the significance of two years plus storytelling just begging to be brought to the conclusion it desperately desires. Just as with Kingston/Punk, reality and fantasy blur. The anxious millennial cowboy, lost to anxiety, lost to self doubt, lost to his shortcomings, lost to alcohol, now on the cusp of finding himself champion. The kind of match, a moment that does not want PBP, but wants emotional reactions and responses. My reaction as Page made his entrance was “This is it, go seize your moment”. As Kenny made his entrance my reaction? “Don’t you take this away from him, not here, not now, not ever again.” I was invested before the bell even rung, and I was locked in and leaned forward.

Whether it be the most basic of wrestling, or when they hit their biggest and most impactful of moves, I feel it. This is a struggle to me. Page’s struggle to finally claim the throne, Omega’s struggle to protect it. My feelings and emotions ebbs and flows depending on who’s in control. Omega believes himself to be, and many agree, the best in the world and he wrestles with the confidence of just that. Page wrestles with the needs of a man who needs to prove to himself that he is the best in the world. These begin to shift. Omega begins to wrestle as a man who is willing to do ANYTHING to still be the best in the world, Page begins to wrestle as someone who has finally found himself through it all and knows EXACTLY who he is. There are no wants for either man, there are needs. Exhaustion, desperation, desire, determination all mixed together as the match reaches a crescendo, a climax. Neither man wants to be the one to take that final shot, one of them will be. I love this if you can’t tell. I try to narrate to you, but my narration does nothing to let you know how I feel, and I’m feeling everything as the match goes on.

The end arrives, the right end, the only end, the end that lets me at long last breath, and I feel the trickle of tears out of my eyes. Over two years, and the journey concludes. He avoids the O.W.A, he hits his own. The Young Bucks had chances to interfere, they chose not to, and then it was over. Two buckshots, and the ending had arrived, and Page was champion. He’s emotional, and thousands of us are emotional right along with him. Wrestling when it triggers an emotional response is when it’s at it’s best. I could ramble more, I could write an article within this review, and it would still not convey how much this moment meant to me, to many, who followed from the beginning. . .until the very end. Adam Page, all his failures, shortcomings, and setbacks all erased as he celebrates with his adopted family The Dark Order. Wrestling can be beautiful, and so this was. Could’ve it of been better match wise? Yes. Moment wise? It was everything it needed to be. ****1/2

Awesome. #AEWFullGear


— TDE Wrestling (@tde_gif) November 14, 2021

AEW Full Gear 2021 (November 13) Results & Review (2025)


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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.